Rob Kardashian refuses to allow his daughter Dream to be filmed on Blac Chyna’s new reality show.
According to TMZ, Rob Kardashian’s lawyer Marty Singer sent a letter to Blac Chyna stating that their two-year-old daughter cannot appear on the show, “The Real Blac Chyna” without Rob’s consent. The letter says that Blac Chyna sent Rob an appearance release for Dream to be a part of the show but he refuses to sign it.
“Please be advised that The Zeus Network does not have Mr.Kardashian’s consent to Dream’s participation in or appearance on the Series or in any related marketing or promotional materials.”
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Additionally, TMZ added that Rob has multiple reasons not to give consent since Blac Chyna got into a fight with her former hairdresser and her mom, Tokyo Toni.
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He also does not want Dream to experience the lifestyle of being on reality television due to his personal experiences. The letter says there will be legal action if Blac Chyna or the Zeus Network uses Dream’s likeness in the show.
“Should The Zeus Network proceed with releasing any episodes of the Series or related materials containing Dream’s likeness, it will be acting at its own peril and exposing itself to significant liability.”
2019-06-15 23:51:57Z
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