Full spoilers for the Game of Thrones series finale follow. For even more on Game of Thrones, be sure to check out our WTF questions about the finale, why Drogon did what he did in the end, why Westeros' new leader is a terrifying choice, or how Jon's Snow's fate brings the series full circle.
Eight seasons and 73 episodes sounds like a lot, but even that isn't enough room to do justice to every one of the hundreds of characters that comprise the Game of Thrones saga. So it is that the series wrapped without completely tying up its many loose ends.
From the whereabouts of forgotten characters like Meera Reed and Daario Naharis to prophecies that never came to fruition, here are all the threads the series never resolved by the end.
Meera Reed

Meera Reed is truly one of the unsung heroes of the Game of Thrones saga. While Bran was having a grand old time warg-ing himself around Westeros and visiting the past, Meera was busy hauling his body around and making sure he didn't get stabbed, robbed or eaten by the dead. To make matters worse, by the time she got Bran safely back to Winterfell, he was too detached from the mortal world to properly thank her for her many sacrifices.
It definitely felt like there was more to come for Meera after her unhappy departure in Season 7. Instead, she never showed up again, and we never even met her father Howland outside of Bran's flashback to the Tower of Joy. Did House Reed survive the war against the White Walkers? And if so, what are they doing now? Only Bran knows, and he doesn't seem to care.
Daario Naharis

Poor Daario. This sellsword killed his own allies to get closer to Dany. And in the end, his queen chose to leave him behind in Meereen while she traveled to Westeros and found herself a new handsome, broody lover. Whatever happened to Daario after Season 6? Is he still down in Meereen keeping the peace and waiting for his queen to return? Or did he get bored and wander off in search of a different adventure?
We do have to wonder if Daario's quiet disappearance had something to do with the lukewarm response to the character's recasting. For some fans, Daario was never the same after Ed Skrein was replaced by Michiel Huisman in Season 4.
Melisandre's Prophecy to Arya

The first time they met, Melisandre delivered a cryptic prophecy to Arya, telling her she would shut eyes of several different colors forever, and also promising that the two of them would meet again. That second part obviously came true in "The Long Night," but the series never really clarified to what eyes Melisandre was referring. Did Arya complete the prophecy? Was Cersei the final set of eyes Arya was destined to close, or did she avert the prophecy by heeding the Hound's advice?
Arya has killed so many people by now that it's hard to say whether or not the prophecy was fulfilled. Maybe this is something that will crop up in that Arya-centric spinoff HBO may or may not get around to making?
The Red Priests

There are actually a lot of questions surrounding Melisandre and her fellow Red Priests that the series never quite addresses. For one thing, if the adherents of the Lord of Light were so hellbent on stopping the White Walkers, why did Melisandre do all the heavy lifting? What were her colleagues doing during the Battle of Winterfell, exactly? We know there are more out there in the lands beyond Westeros, but apart from Thoros they rarely appeared in the series. We never even got to see the priestess Kinvara return or learn what exactly she knew about the mysterious voice that haunted Varys as a boy.
The biggest lingering question involves "the prince who was promised," a hero who is supposedly the reincarnation of legendary warrior Azor Ahai. Several characters, from Stannis to Daenerys to Jon, were named as possible candidates, but we never learned if Azor Ahai truly returned or if this prophecy was just a load of bunk. And given that the Lord of Light is the one god in the Game of Thrones universe who seems to definitively exist, we're surprised this wasn't more directly addressed in the final season. We can only hope we'll learn more about R'hllor and his followers in one of the upcoming spinoff series.
Drogon's Destination

Daenerys came to Westeros with three dragons in tow. By the end, both she and two of her dragons were dead, leaving only sad, lonely Drogon to melt the Iron Throne and carry his mother's body off to parts unknown.
It's hard not to wonder where Drogon went and what he plans to do when he gets there. Is he going to eat Dany's body, as much of the internet seems convinced will happen? It wouldn't be the most twisted thing to happen in Game of Thrones. Is Drogon wandering the land in search of a home? What happens when he inevitably runs into more dragon-fearing humans? Or will he just find a nice, comfy mountain and sleep on a giant stash of gold, as dragons are supposed to do?
Ellaria Sand

Ellaria Sand has had a rough go of things in the series. First, she watched her lover have his skull shattered by the Mountain. And while Ellaria got some shred of payback (even if that involved poisoning an innocent girl), Cersei repaid the favor by poising Ellaria's own daughter in front of her. When last we saw Ellaria, she was grieving in a cell in King's Landing.
So what happened to Ellaria and her fellow captives (including Septa Unella)? We never found out, though the list of options seems pretty grim. Most likely Ellaria was either executed at some point or she perished when Drogon torched the Red Keep. Even if she did survive the attack, Ellaria probably starved to death in her cell unless she was somehow able to Jack Sparrow herself to freedom.
The Purpose of the Night's Watch

The series ends with Jon Snow right back where he started, banished to live a life of quiet obscurity in the Night's Watch. Which raises one fairly important question - why is there still a Night's Watch in the first place? The organization's entire purpose was to protect the Seven Kingdoms from threats to the north. But now that there's peace between Winterfell and the wildlings and the White Walkers have been dealt with, what exactly is the Night's Watch defending against? Is Castle Black being maintained solely to have a place to dump all the misfits and criminals of Westeros? Or does King Bran have an inkling that the White Walkers may not truly be gone forever? We'll never know unless HBO greenlights a direct sequel series.
The Faceless Men

When last we saw Jaqen H'ghar, he looked on with amusement and pride as Arya cut ties with the Faceless Men and began her return journey to Westeros. It definitely felt as though the Faceless Men still had some part to play in this story. Surely an organization with supernatural powers and an obsession with the god of death would factor into the final conflict between the living and the dead. But apparently not. We never even saw Arya put her face-changing skills to good use in the final season.
What happened to Jaqen and friends? Did the Faceless Men have a grander plan in store, or will they continue to dwell in the House of Black and White and collect more faces for the wall? We may never know.
What Game of Thrones dangling plot threats do you wish had been resolved? Let's discuss in the comments!
Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.
2019-05-23 21:36:10Z
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